How Banks Create Money and Debt
From your CASH Value Consideration signature.. Plus the Banks collect your property and wealth as collateral to prove that you are a debt slave to the banks who own the Governments and all physical land.. Just look at your property tax to prove this.. You are a renter of your own property thru County and […]
Freedom is Just Another Word For…
Nothing left to lose, that’s all the Government has left me.. And this is why you think you still have freedom in America when you DON’T.. You still have everything to lose, even your soul, spirit, labor, and what you perceive as money under the BAR COURT fraud.. The U.S. Government’s word for FREEDOM is […]
Why I Get Paid in FRNs for the CAP Security Processing
People ask me why they have to pay me in FRN Dollars for my e-booklets and Legal CAP Security Negotiable Instrument Processing.. AND why can’t they just pay me with their promissory note instead as I shouldn’t need any money, because I could just pay all my bills, debts and loans with my CAP Securities. […]
Do You Offer a Guarantee that the CPA Security Will Work
That depends on your definition of “Work”.. If you mean Bank Acceptance, which is up to the way you ask them. When you follow my written client instructions, you should have no trouble in getting Bank Acceptance, but you must read and understand the TERMS AND CONDITIONS of the CAP Security to know what it […]
Do you know that You Purchased your Home with Debt
Well, you did.. This is why you pay property taxes to the County and STATE of.. You using the FRN Debt Dollars is why the banks can foreclose.. Since there has been no lawful money since 1933 and only debt instruments in the form of Credit Agreements, Bank MORTGAGE NOTES, and FEDERAL RESERVE INTERNATIONAL PROMISSORY […]
Do You Have A Right To Vote?
DID you Vote November 6, 2018?? If you did, you voted as a capital corporation debt slave for members of the STATE OF corporation and not by your free rights, but because you had to unless you are a sovereign.. You have NO VOTING RIGHT!! Your presumed right to Vote is NOT a right, but […]
Do I have to be a Private Banker to use the CPA Security to pay off my mortgage and other debts
Yes, you do, due to a 2016 court ruling that you must be a banker or lender in order to write, by signing your name to the CPA Security to issue to a bank, to either create a debt as the Banks do or to legally pay off a debt as the bank verified CPA […]
Do CAP Securities Comply With SEC Rules
Yes.. Our legally processed CAP Security Instruments do comply with the Securities Exchange Commission rules the same as Bank FRNs and Mortgage Promissory NOTES and Mortgage Debt Lien Contract Securities do comply as they all are registered securities under SEC rules.. Each Processed Credit Agreement Debt Payoff, CAP Security at is a Registered State […]
Do Banks Give Any Consideration Or Intrinsic Value To Loans
NO! There is no consideration or value given by banks for any presumed loan or debt.. No bank agent or employee even signs the debt credit agreement promissory note contract to accept it whether it is a MORTGAGE NOTE, MORTGAGE LIEN CONTRACT AGREEMENT, Auto financing credit agreement, student loan agreement, or credit card credit agreement.. […]
Credit Agreements versus Contracts. Which one do you need and why
Bank credit agreements are promissory notes and binding contracts.. The Credit Agreement Promissory Note Contract is used as and called money in the commercial world of corporate Government, Bank, and COURT make believe.. Contracts are the same thing before 1933 when the United States went bankrupt and stole the wealth and property from the American […]
Credit Agreements In Today’s Economy
Banks call them NOTES, money, loans, or debt, but the Credit Agreement or promissory notes as they are also called in today’s economy are nothing more than promissory note securities, the same as a CAP Security, that the banks, COURTS, and Governments call money.. Presumed Bank Debts or Loans cannot be created without your lawful […]
Credit Agreement Pays Off Debts
The Credit Agreement Payoff Security, CAP Security Instrument and the Mortgage Lien Release Documents pay off debts the same way a Bank Mortgage Credit Agreement Promissory NOTE and their Mortgage Lien Contract Security creates debts.. Our Processed Credit Agreement Debt Payoff, CAP Securities at are State Licensed Legally Processed Promissory Note Credit Agreement Negotiable […]
CAP Security Pays Off Debts
Our processed CAP Securities are bank accepted and pays off debts as proven in the $19.95 CAP Security E-booklet at Our Processed Credit Agreement Debt Payoff, CAP Securities at are a State Licensed Legally Processed Promissory Note Credit Agreement used for debt payoff that banks have accepted, have a maturity date of over […]
Don’t Fall For The CAP/LPN Security Scam Of People Pretending To Be Me Or Work For Me In Order To Scam You Out Of Money First off, My Young Wife and this living Homo Saipan man are the ONLY man or woman that legally processes the IPN, LPN, or CAP Security Instrument and in charge of the Bi-Monthly CAP Security Lottery. BUT, there are people that are trying to claim that they either work for me or are me […]
CAP Security Has Paid Off Mortgage Debts
Our processed CAP Securities are bank accepted and pay off Mortgage Debts AND ALL KINDS OF DEBTS as proven in the $19.95 CAP Security E-booklet at Our Processed Credit Agreement Debt Payoff, CAP Securities at are a State Licensed Legally Processed Promissory Note Credit Agreement used for debt payoff that banks have accepted, […]
Canceling a Mortgage can be Daunting and Near Impossible
Unless you utilize the legally Processed CAP Security Negotiable Instrument at to pay it off and discharge your Mortgage Debt to become Mortgage debt free.. Mortgages and other debts can and have been canceled, terminated, and discharged after the legal three days of recession when you are forced to sign the Mortgage Promissory NOTE […]
Bank Corporations Process Credit Agreements To Create Money
Banks are corporations just like IRS, Sears, IBM, CIA, Wal-Mart Store, Shell gas stations, STATES OF, and the UNITED STATES Government.. Every credit agreement, promissory note, processed is mostly to create money, BUT, the CAP Security Instrument used as money is legally processed to pay off alleged debt and bank loans.. Our Processed Credit Agreement […]
Did you know that Banks DO NOT LEND MONEY? Banks don’t lend money, They’re in the business of purchasing securities. That’s it! See this video below that explains how it works. Banks are thought of as deposit-taking institutions that lend money. the first empirical studies to prove that [banks create money out of thin […]
YOUR Birth Certificate – The Great Government MONEY and CREDIT SCAM
The Government created your STRAWMAN, STRAW MAN, identification from your Application of Live Birth when you were born and accepted by the government agent, Physician.
People have asked me – Who wrote the IPN International Promissory Note Check?
People have asked me – Who wrote the IPN Check? – You did with your signature as we are just a Documents Processing Company and Not attorneys nor CPA accountants.
In Mortgage Debt? Your Lender Stole Your Mortgage Note Loan
Are You In Mortgage Debt? Your Lender Stole Your Mortgage Note Loan
Paying Off Debt Loan is Essential – Ways To Simplify The Process
The uncertainties of American economy has affected the middle class in many ways. Lack of jobs, increased debt limit and shrinking income level have made it even more difficult for the middle class Americans to go ahead towards successful financial future. In such a circumstance, the only option that is available to manage all the […]
Federal Reserve Notes From Social Security Insurance Pays U S Debt
Federal Reserve Notes From Social Security Insurance Pays U S Debt since the date you were born when your parent(s) registered a Birth Certificate for you.
Government Security Instruments – Government Bills Notes Bonds Debt Auction
Government Security Instruments including Government Bills Notes Bonds Debt Auction In seeking to pay the lowest possible interest rate, the government sells its marketable securities at auctions con¬ducted through Federal Reserve Banks and their branches. Since auctions of T-bills, T-notes, and T-bonds are similar, let’s look at the most frequent Treasury borrowing—the weekly auctions of […]
UNITED NATIONS Accepted States for the IPN
States of the UNITED NATIONS that ACCEPT IPNs (International Promissory Note) Discover the SECRET Money Negotiable Security Instrument Information to pay off your bank or financial debt or loan using IPN Money. Afghanistan 19-11-1946 Albania 14-12-1955 Algeria 08-10-1962 Andorra 28-07-1993 Angola 01-12-1976 Antigua and Barbuda 11-11-1981 Argentina 24-10-1945 Armenia 02-03-1992 Australia 01-11-1945 Austria 14-12-1955 Azerbaijan […]