Strawman Money Credit

Strawman is a GOVERNMENT Front and FRAUD!

Strawman fraudsters offer access to secret cash stash: Internet “Internet Scams, Identity Theft, and Urban Legends: Are You at Risk?” well I say bullshit! its so obvious that these guys work for the Government! QUOTE from Strawman fraudsters offer access to secret cash stash: Internet is a government origination!!!! Let me […]

Your Birth Certificate Prepaid Your Debt

You’re already signed up for this program from birth when your parents gave you away by filling out a SS-5 Application. That’s right, all of your debt is prepaid with what is known as a Money Of Account with your name on it in all CAPS, just like your driver license, SS Card, auto title, […]

We are Offering a $30,000 Reward

We are Offering a $30,000 Reward – for anyone that can show us a statutory law that states that the IPN (International Promissory Note) is illegal a fraud or a scam.

Pay Student Loans Using the Government's Money

If your a student, do you know you can Pay Student loans using the government’s money? The US Government is now willing to pay off your student loans and debts! That’s right! A Promissory Note can pay your student loan no matter how much you owe. Did you know you have an account at the […]

Secret Government Instrument Used For Debt Loan Payoff

A Secret Government Instrument is a paper or electronic obligation that enables the issuing party to raise funds by promising to repay an alleged lender in accordance with terms of a contract. Types of debt or loan instruments include notes, bonds, certificates, mortgages, leases, credit card agreements, student loan agreements, or other agreements between an […]

Back Child Support In Arrears Debt Payoff Is Possible

There are many circumstances where one parent has fallen behind in your monthly payments on a back child support debt, and this can result in a situation where it becomes difficult if not impossible to catch-up. The interest alone adds up fast. It usually takes years to pay-off this debt with added interest each day. […]

Secret Debt And Loan Payoff Using Government Money

Did you know that the United States Government and banks have been withholding a secret debt and loan payoff using government money since June of 1933? Look at the $100 Federal Reserve Notes on your left and know that this is not the only money that you can pay off your debt and loan with. […]

Pay Any Debt! in 90 Days!

Pay Any Debt! in 90 Days! Become DEBT FREE in 90 Days! debt free of money owed to the banks within 90 days!

How To Pay Off Your Student Loan Debt Quickly

student loans

Welcome To The U.S. Department Of Loan Debt Payoff Consumer Web Site How To Pay Off Your Student Loan Debt Quickly There are several ways to pay off your student loan debt. Banks claim to do it one way by consolidation loans. Internet sites on loans and debt payoff conjure up other ways to pay […]

2 Ways to Pay Off Credit Card Debt or Student Loans

Here are 2 ways to pay off credit card debt, student loans or child support If you have outstanding Credit Card Debt or Student Loans even back child support. Here are 2 things you can do to pay them off within 90 days or less! Option 1: Save Save Save your money from working hard! […]