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Can you answer this question?? The Answer is valued and worth $1,000.00 Discount on any CAP Security Instrument when the Lucky Winner answers it correctly with correct spelling..

You must give us written permission and authorization to publish/advertise your correct answer so people will know that this is legit and are the winner of the $1,000.00 CAPSI Discount, including:

1) Your Name,
2) Your address, and
3) Your reachable email address.


What nationally are you when you are in the bathroom from running to go into the bathroom with your legs together or your hands holding your lower stomach??

Be very specific on the spelling of your answer, because the answer does require a lot of thought and OUT OF THE BOX thinking.

Include your answer on Item #9 in the CAP Security Instrument ITEMS NEEDED, Please..
Good Luck to the winner in advance..