Strawman Money Credit

A Judge’s Role. How It Affects You, Final Part 6

In all Constitutional state Republic Nations, The common law court should consist of a speedy Trial By Jury of one’s peers as 12 tribunal jurists to decide the case and the law without interference from any BAR ATTORNEYS or ATTORNEY JUDGES. These 12 tribunal jurists always decide the guilt or innocence, right from wrong of […]

A Judge’s Role. How It Affects You Part 5

After this Mindreading, then the judge supposedly applies the law to these facts to determine whether a civil claim has been established on a balance of probabilities or whether there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt, in criminal cases, that the suspect is guilty until he or she proves himself innocent. Attorney Judge and stolen […]

A Judge’s Role. How It Affects You, Part 4

Remember, everyone in Government keeps telling you that Ignorance of the Law is no Excuse, Especially Attorneys and Attorney Judges. Well, Ignorance of the Law is no excuse for these Banks, Corporations, Attorneys, or Attorney Judges either. Many criminal cases – and almost all civil ones – are heard by an Attorney Judge administrator sitting […]

A Judge’s Role. How It Affects You, Part 3

Most Attorney Judges never follow their own U.C.C. Contract laws of commerce, positive Congressional Legislative law, Court Case Law, or the Common Law of Equity. ALMOST all Attorney Judges are ignorant of the laws they are supposed to enforce in the Business BAR courtrooms. Do they read these laws or your Complaint or Tort Claim […]

A Judge’s Role. How It Affects You, Part 2

We have what is known as an adversarial system of justice – legal cases are contests between opposing sides, which ensures that evidence and legal arguments may be fully and forcefully presented. The Attorney Judge; however, remains above the fray and supposed to be providing an independent and impartial assessment of the facts augured by […]

A Judge’s Role. How It Affects You, Part 1

Most BAR Attorneys will make the false claim to be a Lawyer just to fool you into believing that they are working for you, the people, when in fact ATTORNEYS work for the Banks and BAR BUSINESS COURTS. Don’t be fooled by these BAR Crooks! These BAR Attorney Judges are supposed to interpret the written […]

A Judge’s Role. How It Affects You

There have been no real judges or constitutional courts since 1861, at the beginning of the Civil War when Congress was never lawfully or legally adjourned under the 1789 Ratified Constitution FOR the United States of Continental America or the 1776 Declaration of Independence. The Private BAR Association Business Court Attorney bogus ATTORNEY Judges play […]


The Uniform Commercial Code, U.C.C., of Contract Law STATUTES, means “Code of the District of Columbia Municipality STATE CORPORATION” Not the common laws of the 50 Republic states of the Union of Nations on the United States of Continental America founded as full freedom and rights common law Republic form of Government in the 1770s […]

Difference between Republic Law and Democracy Law?

Public Law is of the de jure sovereign REPUBLIC and is divided into AT LAW and EQUITY jurisdiction. Public Policy, on the other hand, is of the corporate DEMOCRACY statute under the Color of Law which only means that the Government Statutes only look like law but are not, and is administered under STATUTORY jurisdiction […]

Why Not Shut Down More Government?

“To what extent is the federal government necessary? Basically, all the departments that have been shut down should be abolished wholesale. Police and all law enforcement agencies except for the County Sheriff office who operate under common law should be shut down. The BAR COURTS should be shut down and common law courts of Record […]

Where was Common Law Derived

Common Law was derived from the Common Lore. And just that there is a common law of the legal society (Kolender Case Law) otherwise known as English Common Law, and there is American Common Law (unwritten lore, common amongst the people): see John Locke; Two Treatises of Government.. The common law writ of mandamus was […]


The Police and all law agencies will tell you that IT’S THE LAW. Who’s law? The municipality corporations have it printed on their Government Vehicles. They have it posted in Government buildings. They have TV Commercials that tell you that something is the law. Police even tell you that it is the law without any […]

It’s The Law

Isn’t it funny that whenever a government, corporate official, Bank official, or police officer says, “It’s The LAW” without knowing or quoting you the law; somehow, thru your fear of breaking the law seems official because of their position or what monkey suite they happen to be wearing at that time and you take their […]

The IRS can be Your Best Friend

Go to a bank and ask for a loan. The bank acts as a 3rd party between you and the Federal Reserve to tap into your million dollar Birth Certificate bond ESTATES They are loaning you your own money thru your ignorance!!!   Your own energy, Labor and Spirit. You start out on an adversarial level, but […]

Are you a Franchise of the Banks or United States Government

Yes, you are if you sign your name to a bank, financial, or government Document!! Franchise is defined, under 15 U.S.C. § 2801(1)(A)(i)-(iv), as “any contract between a refiner and distributor, a refiner and a retailer, a distributor and another distributor, or a distributor and retailer under which a retailer or distributor uses the trademark […]

I Am NOT A Human. I am Homo Sapiens man In The Republic

The POPE GOD of the Holy Se and the 3 Papal Bulls ‘Unam Sanctam (1455, 1481 & 1537)’ of the Roman Empire changed the Homo sapiens man into what the POPE called Humans in order to control and own all the people in the world as property. You Humans or capital corporations are owned: body, […]

Freedom is Just Another Word For…

Nothing left to lose, that’s all the Government has left me.. And this is why you think you still have freedom in America when you DON’T.. You still have everything to lose, even your soul, spirit, labor, and what you perceive as money under the BAR COURT fraud.. The U.S. Government’s word for FREEDOM is […]

Do you know that You Purchased your Home with Debt

Well, you did.. This is why you pay property taxes to the County and STATE of.. You using the FRN Debt Dollars is why the banks can foreclose.. Since there has been no lawful money since 1933 and only debt instruments in the form of Credit Agreements, Bank MORTGAGE NOTES, and FEDERAL RESERVE INTERNATIONAL PROMISSORY […]

Do You Have A Right To Vote?

DID you Vote November 6, 2018?? If you did, you voted as a capital corporation debt slave for members of the STATE OF corporation and not by your free rights, but because you had to unless you are a sovereign.. You have NO VOTING RIGHT!! Your presumed right to Vote is NOT a right, but […]