Can paying off collections raise your credit score?
The CAP Security Instrument can pay off your Medical Bills at So whether or not you pay your collections off is really a personal decision. What FICO is saying here is that paying off a debt in collections won’t improve your score. One of the big three credit reporting agencies, Experian, agrees. … In short, paying debts in the collection won’t influence your credit score unless you pay off the collection […]
Can medical bills ruin your credit
The CAP Security Instrument can pay off your Medical Bills at Your medical history is not part of a credit report until it is sold to a collection agency, but past-due medical debts can affect your credit reports and lower your credit scores. You should pay off your medical bill with the CAP Security Instrument at as soon as possible for good […]
Can Medical Bills Be Garnished
The CAP Security Instrument can pay off your Medical Bills at Creditors Must Sue You before being able to Garnish Your Wages. For most types of debt such as credit cards and medical bills, the creditor can’t immediately garnish your wages if you stop paying your bill. The creditor must first sue you, obtain a judgment, and get a court order. […]
Will the Banks accept the CPA Security?
Will the Bank accept the CAP Security Instrument? YES!! Banks, Credit Unions, and all government entities, including COURTS, County Tax Collectors, and IRS have accepted our State licensed legally processed CAP Credit Agreement Payoff Security Instruments for presumed debts. (Proof of bank acceptance and court verifiable debt payoff is in the E-booklet.) Think about it.. […]
Why do People Use Banknotes and Promissory Notes as Money Today
This is because people believe the banks and UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT MUNICIPALITY STATE when they lie to you by saying that the worthless FRNs are money. FRNs are DEBT MONEY, Banknotes Promissory Notes that are perceived and believed to be money by you debt slaves. One advantage of a system that uses fiat money like […]
Difference between Republic and Democracy Money
The Difference: A Republic form of Government uses or is backed by REAL gold or silver treasury minted coin money or paper gold and silver Certificates which can be converted to the actual precious metals, Gold or Silver, while a Democracy form of Government via the Central Bank, uses bank DEBT NOTES (FRNs, Promissory Notes, […]
Difference between Commodity Money and fiat Money
Historically, as trade increased through the centuries, commodity or intrinsic valued money such as lawful gold and silver was used in most countries. In the 16th century, goldsmiths (BANKSTERS) began storing gold and silver for customers and issuing them paper receipts, which could be converted back into gold on demand. Today you cannot convert the […]
What Is Your Credit Signature Worth
Your Credit Signature is Worth Millions of privately foreign printed fiat Federal Reserve International Promissory Note Dollars, FRNs, also known as Credit Agreements and Credit Applications that you presume and assume is money.. This is because the FRNs are used as money after the Federal Reserve Controlled Treasury prints these dollar bills out of thin […]
A Legal Binding Contract Agreement to Pay Off Debt Pursuant to Legal Definitions
A contract is A legal and binding agreement between two or more competent parties in which an offer or counteroffer is made and accepted and each party benefits that holds up in court. The CAP Security Instrument is such a contract of account money that discharges the debt to a zero balance and goodbye debt. […]
What is the validity of a promissory note?
Monetary. A promissory note is only valid if it is for a monetary transaction to create money and debt as banks and lenders do or to pay off money or debt with a Credit Agreement Payoff Security Instrument Promissory Note. The bank lender agrees to give FRN money to a borrower who actually funds the first loan, who promises […]
What is a personal promissory note?
A personal promissory note is an oral or written promise to pay money to someone or to do something in the future. The promissory note document serves as written evidence of the amount of the debt and the terms under which it will be repaid or discharged, including the place of payment, the repayment schedule, and interest […]
What is a Convertible Promissory Note
A convertible promissory note is a debt instrument that converts to equity in the company that issues it when certain conditions outlined in the promissory note are met. The conversion from debt to equity may be voluntary or mandatory depending upon the agreement between the issuer of the note and the investor. The CAP Security Instrument at pays off any […]
There’s a Contract in Everything You Sign
Everything you sign is a promissory note, debt instrument, and credit agreement in the form of a Credit Application contract according to the Uniform Commercial Code of Contract STATUTES under Color of Law policies since 1933 Bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION MUNICIPALITY in the District of Columbia.. Notice Washington DC is not located in […]
The IRS can be Your Best Friend
Go to a bank and ask for a loan. The bank acts as a 3rd party between you and the Federal Reserve to tap into your million dollar Birth Certificate bond ESTATES They are loaning you your own money thru your ignorance!!! Your own energy, Labor and Spirit. You start out on an adversarial level, but […]
People’s Trust is what makes Fiat FRN Promissory Notes Elastic Money
Crucially, people trust that the value of money will endure over time with the good faith of the US Government. The Government is responsible for making sure that the value of your money stays broadly stable and that Banksters’ commercial banknotes/Promissory Note Dollars have state-of-the-art security features to gain your trust. BUT your trust and […]
Only Banks Can Turn Your Promissory Note Into FRN Dollar Government Military Script Money
People ask me why I don’t accept their promissory notes for my e-booklets or Legal CAP Security Negotiable instrument Processing.. The answer is simple.. I am not a bank and only banks can turn a promissory note into money by monetizing and securitizing your signature under the Foreign Private Federal Reserve Banking System rules.. Banks […]
How to Dispute Medical Bills on Credit Report
This is a two thousand dollar answer as credit repair companies charge at least this amount and more than half of them do not know this secret of How to dispute medical bills on credit report properly. The best way is to pay off your medical bills with the CAP Security Instrument in 14 days […]
What Is Fiat Money
Fiat money: Federal Reserve International Promissory Note Dollars Commercial Paper Military Script money that is not back by anything except the full faith and credit of you debt Slaves and is NOT convertible to gold or any other asset. Your Credit and Trust in Fiat Money is also supported by the Government deeming banknotes or FRN as […]
What is a Medallion Stamp and Where Do I Get One
The STA, S.T.A.M.P. ACT Medallion Signature Verification Security Stamp verifies that your CAP Security is legal and transferable security and you can get one at any credit union or bank which participates and bonded by the STA ACT, EXCEPT BANK OF AMERICA, where you have an established checking or savings account for at least 60 to 90 […]
What are Federal Reserve Notes and how are they different from United States Notes?
Federal Reserve notes are legal tender currency promissory note debt instruments or promissory note Government Military Script Dollars. The twelve Federal Reserve Banks issue them into circulation out of thin air, monetized by your signature and then securitized by the bank or Treasury pursuant to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. A commercial bank belonging […]
A Mortgage Promissory NOTE and CAP Security Promissory Notes are Legal Tender
A Mortgage Promissory Note is a commercial or residential mortgage credit agreement or other credit agreement Application that puts you into debt as a DEBTOR. This occurs when you also sign a Mortgage Debt Lien Security that the bank files in your county real estate records. Everything you sign pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code […]
A Judge Has Judicial Fiduciary Duty To Discharge Debt If You Are One Of The People
When the Bank renounces, refuses to accept, or rejects your State Licensed Processed CAP Security Instrument as payoff and discharge of your debt when properly presented by the‘s Client Instructions pursuant to Title 18 USC Stat 8- obligations of the United States. This also creates a defranchise (Disfranchise) which creates a void under both […]
Money Never Exchanges Hands Using A Bank Credit Agreement Promissory Note Loan
It is all credit.. Money is credit.. Money is debt.. Promissory Notes are Money.. promissory Notes are Debt.. The Federal Reserve International Promissory Note Dollar is legal money under the BAR Association COURT legalese wording. Gold and silver coins are the only lawful money pursuant to Articles 8 and 10 of the Constitution. In 1913 […]
Is a promissory note secured or unsecured?
Secured Promissory Note is a note in which the borrower’s promise to pay a certain amount is backed up by certain specified property (called “collateral” such as in a Mortgage). If the borrower does not repay, ONLY the original lender can take the collateral in foreclosure pursuant to law, but Judges go by what the Foreclosing ATTORNEY […]
Is a promissory note secured debt
The Promissory Note does not create a secured debt; it merely creates an unsecured debt because there is no collateral. A Negotiable CAP Security Instrument that pays off or Discharges the debt is a bank-verified security negotiable instrument.. The second instrument to a mortgage, the recorded Deed of Trust or mortgage contract lien security, or […]