Strawman Money Credit

Tips for dealing with law enforcement in mortgage foreclosure eviction

When a “Debt Collector” or “Sheriff” comes to steal your property ask to see the court order. If the sheriff does not have a court order signed by a judge with wet ink, call the police. Ask the sheriff deputy to get the copy of the “Judgment” signed by the judge that is accompanying them or is on site.

If no judge is present, ask the Police Officer to remove the “trespassers” from your property. The police are there to keep the peace and the trespassers are breaching your peace.

If a court-ordered signed “Judgment” is presented by the sheriff, turn it over and put a 1C, 2 cents, or three-cent postage stamp on the back lower right-hand corner of every page and sign diagonally across each postal stamp.

If the back is blank, place the postal stamp on the bottom right-hand CORNER and sign it diagonally. Your signature on the postal stamp makes you the Postmaster! Hand it back to the sheriff and tell him, “This document is “Mail Fraud” under Title 18 USC 1341 a felony crime and you want the sheriff or police officer to return it to the judge for mail fraud under UPU World Federal Universal Postal Union Court to decide. The UPU is in control of the World Mail and Commerce and you are going to file a complaint about mail fraud investigation.

The document lawfully challenged can not be enforced. Ask the Police Officer, not the sheriff as the sheriff is one of the trespassers, to identify all persons present by proper identification for possible prosecution. Then ask the Police Officer to remove these criminals from your property for trespassing and disturbing the peace. Police Officers protect rights, if you express your rights, they must enforce them.

Sheriffs do not! All Debt Collectors: Corporations of all kinds including Courts fall into the classification of “Debt Collectors” under State and Federal Law. If any “Corporation” is attempting to collect money from you, it is a “Debt Collector” and must act within the “Fair Debt Collection Act” Title 15 USC 1692 a-n.

Whether it be a credit card company, auto finance company, Loan Company, bank, mortgage investment company, IRS, mortgage lender, Mortgage-backed Investor Trust, Court, or other lending institution all are accountable to the law.

When you comprehend the principles of law you can not be defeated by lies of what is or is not law spouted by incompetent attorneys, sheriffs, Police officers, or ATTORNEY JUDGE ADMINISTRATORS in the courtroom who are all ignorant of the law pursuant to jurisprudence law.

In the two Federal Constitutions, Article I, Section 10 prohibitsTitles of Nobility”, issued by states. All attorneys have unlawfully accepted the title of “Esquire”, a title of nobility.

Thus Attorneys are clearly incompetent in law, only know courtroom procedures they learned in law school, and should not be relied upon as a source of lawful advice on debt, monetary instruments, or Banking when it comes to lawful money and debt payoff. ATTORNEYS do not know the law and this includes ATTORNEY JUDGES!

In Courts, the judge only gives his opinion by what the Bank Representative Attorney tells the Judge ADMINISTRATOR in any summary judgment case whether it be civil or criminal. Remember Paralegals are the ones that do all the research and write most ATTORNEYS briefs and complaints.

Attorneys’ acceptance of the “British Atoned Registry” (BAR) “Title of Nobility” through law schools establishes their loyalty to the crown. Always challenge them as “Foreign Agents” under Title 22 USC 611. Think about it..

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