Strawman Money Credit

Civil rights and actions


STATUTE AND LAW Reasons NOT to give ANYONE the Social Security Number – It does NOT belong to you!!!

Here are some laws that verify this fact:

4 CFR 83.9;
5 USC Sec. 552a;
7 CFR 1.123;
7 USC Sec. 2204g;
14 CFR 1212.604;
17 CFR 249.501a;
19 CFR 118.11;
19 CFR 122.25;
19 CFR 24.5;
24 CFR 5.212;
26 CFR 301.6109-1;
28 CFR 16.53;
28 CFR 513.31;
28 CFR 700.25;
29 CFR 70a.10;
29 CFR 71.12;
31 CFR 1.32;
31 CFR 501.806;
32 CFR 270.19;
32 CFR 310.20;
32 CFR 311.5;
32 CFR 316.6;
32 CFR 317.20;
32 CFR 323.5;
32 CFR 505.2;
32 CFR 701.108;
32 CFR 806b.9;
38 CFR 1.575;
38 CFR 3.216;
38 USC Sec. 5101;
39 CFR 266.4;
42 USC 408(a)(8);
45 CFR Part 801;
47 CFR 0.554;
49 CFR 10.29.
Think about it..

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