Strawman Money Credit

Make a lie believable and people will believe it

Make a Lie Believable and People will Believe it! Participate, and Blindly Follow the Lie!

“Make the lie big, keep it simple, keep saying it, and eventually, PEOPLE will believe it, participate in it, and blindly follow like sheep to the slaughter.”
Geico (One of the biggest insurance company in the world!) makes buying insurance believable in your mind because it is repeated (constantly pounded into your minds) on TV commercial Ads all the time, but that doesn’t make saving 15% or more on car insurance true, does it?? No one can GUARANTEE a certain amount of savings on car insurance by switching. In fact, Geico charges over 15% more when this man looked into switching.
Needless to say that this man is still with the same insurance company he has had for years. You people believe in these ads and try to save a few dollars because of their ads?

NOW the CAP Security Instrument does guarantee you a savings of thousands and hundreds of thousands of Dollars on your Mortgage debt that you don’t have to pay; therefore, you save lots of money. Do you think this is unbearable?

Why do people want to save a few dollars and not thousands of Dollars? The CAP security instrument e-booklet at holds the proof of bank acceptance of the CAP Security Instrument and the debt pay off and discharge of Mortgage debt to SAVE you more money. Are you afraid to save?
“Make this lie bigger, keep it simple, keep saying it, over and over again, and eventually, PEOPLE will believe it, participate in it, and blindly follow like sheep to the slaughter.”

Please comment on why you believe you can save a few dollars on car insurance and not believe that you can be successful in saving thousands even Millions of FRN dollars on your home mortgage or other bank debt. Please Comment on this YouTube Video above and this post with your opinions about this subject and think about it.