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The lie that has served the beginning one world order government

The Lie that has Served the Beginning One World Order Government well.

Joseph Goebbels, Hitler, Stalin, Abraham Lincoln, George Bush SR., and many others in power stated, “Make the lie big, keep it simple, keep saying it, and eventually, PEOPLE will believe it, participate in it, and blindly follow like sheep to the slaughter.”
This is how you conquer a Nation. (Coronavirus) Now President Trump has ceded Power of the President to F.E.M.A. thru executive orders that became law and bypassed Congress and Legislature through publication in the Federal Registry that empowered F.E.M.A. that is now in charge of travel, food, health, highways, airports, sea harbors, government, and Congress as of 13 March 2020.

As Trump stated,

“I am now declaring a NATIONAL EMERGENCY 10 APRIL, 2020 “It HAS BEEN my great honor to HAVE BEEN, Past tense, the President”

in a recent press conference after he wrote his executive orders #12148, #12656, #10990, #10995, #10997, #10998, #11000, #11001, #11002, #11003, #11004, #11005, #11051, #11310, and #11049 Executive Orders betraying the American People once again in 2020 to create the NEW WORLD ORDER. You can find these Executive orders at