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Best hidden government bank criminal action in the history of man

In this 6 part video series, you will learn about the Bank Accounting System and how you can learn the Bank Fraud of loans and the Best Hidden Government Bank Criminal Action in History.

This video is part 1.

The General Accepted Accounting Principles, GAAP, is the accounting system that all commercial businesses and corporations must follow. Their assets must equal liabilities. Bank corporations cannot loan their assets, money, or depositors’ money pursuant to Federal Law. Where does the Bank Lender get their money from to make real estate, automobile, and other loans?

The answer is that the Banks, lenders, or finance companies are Investment Companies and actually borrow the money from an Investor Trust or Larger Bank in the form of a “Warehouse” line of credit that they must repay usually within 30 days in exchange for your funding signature. Therefore, there is no loan or money changing hands between the two parties, you and the bank. Black’s Legal Law Dictionary states that “a loan is money lent”. Where did the money that the bank supposedly lends you to purchase property come from since it is illegal for them to loan their own assets or money?

What they call a loan is a straight out equal exchange based on your funding signature from your Trust Estate where the banks actually withdraw the money from plus charge you for both Principal amounts and interest. At the time of you signing any contract, the property in question is yours because the Bank or presumed lender did not lend money pursuant to Federal and State Law.

To learn more about this contact me, David Young de God at or SKYPE dayglobal.

Do you know who you are?
If you are under the impression that you are Federal United States Citizens, you are brainwashed! LEGAL under the Federal Government is not Lawful under organic law!! Think about it..

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