Strawman Money Credit

Explanation Of The Bank Loan Process, Final Part 3

The Borrower’s, pursuant to the SEC rules, registered Credit Agreement Payoff Security NOTE and Debt Lien Security Release/Satisfaction Property, once received by the retail bank servicer or Investor Trust, is a credit as payment for the loan and the borrower’s obligation to pay is terminated and is discharged pursuant to law, especially 50 USC 4305(B)(2) […]

Explanation Of The Bank Loan Process, Part 2

Consider how this leverage can be also used by the borrower to discharge the original obligation at the retail bank or trust for which the origination presumed loan was sold. As soon as the borrower signed the Mortgage NOTE and Mortgage Lien and other types of Contract Security Property loans which became a non-taxable asset […]

Explanation Of The Bank Loan Process, Part 1

Unknown to alleged or presumed borrowers of credit, this same process is the source of funding or perceived money for loans. In other words, you fund your own loan by signing their processed credit agreements. A borrower goes to a retail bank, asks for a loan and signs the processed loan document (the promise to […]

Explanation Of The Bank Loan Process

The Bank or Pretender Lender processes a Promissory Note signed by the Borrower to create money and an alleged fractional loan from FRNs and sends the Borrower promissory note to the U.S. Treasury and the Treasury sends the promissory note to the FED asking for money for lending and government programs (spending) and provides its […]

Description of a Judge’s Job, Final Part 3

This is the final video of the 29 CFR 102.35 – Duties and powers of the corporate ATTORNEY JUDGE. In (13)(B)(1) The settlement judge shall convene and preside over conferences and settlement negotiations between the parties, assess the practicalities of a potential settlement, and report to the chief or associate the status of settlement negotiations, […]

Description of a COURT ATTORNEYJUDGE’s Job, Part 2

Today we are to discuss 29 CFR 102.35 – Duties and powers, (11) To call, examine, and cross-examine witnesses (This is the PRACTICE OF LAW FROM THE BENCH) and to introduce into the record documentary or other evidence; (12) To request the parties at any time during the hearing to state their respective positions concerning […]

Description of a Judge’s Job Part 1

This video is a continuation and video 3 pertaining to 29 CFR 102.35 – Duties and Powers of administrative law judges; stipulations of cases to administrative law judges or to the Board; assignment and powers of settlement judges. § 102.35 Duties and Powers of administrative law judges; stipulations of cases to administrative law judges or […]

Description of a Judge’s Job

In these 4 videos, you are going to learn just what the Article 1 COURT of Admiralty and Maritime Administrator Judge’s Job is while conducting their Article 1 bank controlled private incorporated foreign business courts, so be sure to view all 4 videos on the Judge’s Job and learn what you are doing wrong in […]

Statutes NOT Laws

STATUTES ARE NOT LAW” TO BE CONVICTED UNDER A STATUTE YOU MUST GIVE YOUR CONSENT A ‘Statute’ is not a Law,” (Flournoy v. First Nat. Bank of Shreveport, 197 La. 1067, 3 Sold 244, 248), A “Code’ is not a Law,” (In Re Self v Rhay Wn 2d 261), in point of fact in Law, […]

Driver License is Commercial Activity 

Driver’s license is for DRIVING a vehicle for hire, which is a COMMERCIAL activity. And the use of a car purchased with lawful money at least $30.00 in silver coins enables you to a speedy trial by jury in any court action, which is NOT for profit, is NOT commercial activity, and; thus, does NOT […]

Disarming The American Populace

DISARMING THE AMERICAN POPULACE is what the Department of Homeland security police force is. Our country is now a police STATE that makes the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) its corrupt national police force, a Standing Army if you will. James Madison and the Founding Fathers warned against what they feared most; a standing army […]

Criminal and Civil Trial By Jury Farce, Final Part 3

In both the Magna Carter and the Declaration of Independence, a Trial by Jury tribunal consists of 12 jurists, not 6 or 8 as in the ARTICLE 1 BAR Business COURTS of today. In a Court of Record in exclusive Common Law, the 12 tribunal jurists always decide the guilt or innocence of each and […]

Criminal and Civil Trial By Jury Farce, Part 2

In civil cases, the ATTORNEY JUDGE decides whether a claim is valid, assesses damages, grants an injunction, or orders some other form of redress to the plaintiff unless a constitutional Court of Record in exclusive common law jury has been empaneled to make these decisions. In a debt or mortgage case, the Attorney Judge almost […]

Criminal and Civil Trial By Jury Farce, Part 1

The jurors become the triers of fact and assess the evidence while the judge takes on the role of legal advisor, explaining the law to the jurors. The jurors then retire to deliberate on a verdict. In criminal cases, the jury’s verdict, either “Guilty” or “Not Guilty” must be unanimous and the ATTORNEY JUDGE alone […]

Criminal and Civil Trial By Jury Farce

In today’s foreign to the American people Private Corporate BAR BUSINESS COURTS, the courts have done away with your right to a Speedy Trial by Jury of 12 tribunal members of your Peers. Anyone who faces a prison term if convicted of a crime has the right, under the Charter, to request and receive a […]

Common Law Is Unwritten.

The common law of England and America by the Constitution For The United States of the continental America Union of state nations is unwritten. The supreme law of the land is in exclusive common law. American Common Law consists of right or wrong and in the Texas Republic Nation and the Republic state of Florida […]

Canceling Your Birth Certificate Is Half The Battle Part 2.

One more issue to discuss is to STOP using the SS# and get yourself an EIN number to use for the rest of your life.   There are three types of EINs:  EIN for Banking, EIN for Non-Profit 508 Church, and EIN for a TRUST.  Stop using the SS# and take control of the All […]

Canceling Your Birth Certificate Is Half The Battle

Anyway canceling a Birth Certificate is only half the battle.  You must cancel the social security card and number.   The SS# is constantly renewed each time you use it.  The SS# is the main enslavement number that keeps you in their imaginary commercial debt and public matrix system.  You must stop using that card […]

Are You Ashamed Of Yourself?

For letting the BANKS, CORPORATIONS, GOVERNMENT, and their BAR BUSINESS COURTS control you, your family, and your life? You the people are the Creator of the Government and yet you do nothing but vote on foreign agents in CONGRESS and the SENATE of an imaginary COUNTRY called the UNITED STATES INCORPORATED. Starting with the Second […]


Here you have it. The term UNITED STATES does NOT include the 50 republic several states of the American Union of 1768, 1776, 1778, 1787, 1789, or the Declaration of Independence 1776 since they’re NOT subject to the jurisdiction of United States Corporation District of Columbia Municipality DEEP STATE! Remember, the American people of the […]

American Nationals vs. U.S. CITIZEN PERSONS. Which are you, Final Part 3

Any product mentioned above could be made anywhere from any American Continent Country and would be lawful advertisement. In my opinion, the “i” in American or America stands for International. As in the Republic of Texas being a standalone International Country where the so-called U.S. citizens are free and are Texian American Nationals by voluntary […]

American Nationals vs. U.S. CITIZEN PERSONS. Which Are You, Part 2

If you see a product “Made in America” where and what country is it made? If you are one that thinks all Americans are from the continental Republic United States, you need to step back and see the brainwashing that is carried out by this U.S. Corporation Municipality that is going on 24 hours a […]

American Nationals vs. U.S. CITIZEN PERSONS. Which are you, Part 1

Could these so-called American Citizens not be from Canada, Mexico, or other southern American Countries? Does not the American Continent (Turtle Island) consist of a majority of American Citizens that the Government calls U.S. CITIZENS? Therefore, it appears the Foreign Attorneys and Corrupt Politicians in the DEEP United States do not wish to broadcast to you, […]

American Nationals vs. U.S. CITIZEN PERSONS. Which are you?

According to Webster’s 1828 Dictionary AMER’ICAN, adjective Pertaining to America. AMER’ICAN, noun A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in one of the several republic states of the American Union of Nations. S0, “Why does the Corporate Government in Washington, District […]

Accessing The ITN Account

I agree with one of my clients regarding the conversion of the SSN to an ITN. There is NOTHING on the IRS site, publication or form regarding the ITN that addresses converting an SSN to ITN. It does provide who can get an ITN which does not include a United States Citizen having a SSN. […]