Forced Law of Contracts for Municipal UNITED STATES Corporation Government Services | Privileges – and Benefits Part 1
In this eight (8) part Forced Law video series, hopefully, you will learn your forced Law of Commercial Contracts, Services, Benefits and how they affect you under the Federal Territorial Government Municipal UNITED STATES Corporation “forts, magazines, arsenals, dock-yards, other needful buildings” as stated in their non-ratified and NOT Adopted rewritten Constitution that everyone thinks […]
LEGAL MAXIMS of REASON in the Common Law of the Land Final Part 9
Speeding or other civil road violations are only minor misdemeanor offenses and not Criminally arrestable! Speeding, running stop signs, traveling without license plates, or registration are not threats to public safety, and thus are not arrestable offenses.” Christy v. Elliott, 216 I 131, 74 HE 1035, LRA NS 1905-1910 “Speeding, driving without a license, wrong […]
LEGAL MAXIMS of REASON in the Common Law of the Land Part 8
4 requisites of a lawful binding commercial contract: Full Disclosure (you are not told that you are creating the credit and funding loans with your signature); Equal Consideration (they bring nothing to the table, hence they have nothing to lose); Lawful Terms and Conditions (they are based upon fraud, deceit, duress, force, and misinformation); and […]
LEGAL MAXIMS of REASON in the Common Law of the Land Part 7
26 CFR 301.6109-1(c) prescribes the procedures that an employer must follow. This regulation requires a Payor, Employer, Bank, or Corporation to request disclosure of the identifying number. If disclosure is refused, a second request must be made, stating that disclosure is required by federal law, even though it is not required by federal law. If […]
LEGAL MAXIMS of REASON in the Common Law of the Land Part 6
Their Statutes and Codes Color of Laws Protect the Employer, Business, Corporation, Bank, the Territorial Federal “United States of America” Corporate Government and their “STATES OF” Franchised Corporation governments that are located within the outer boundaries of each Confederation state such as Florida, Georgia, New York, Virginia, etc. According to the original organic law, Articles […]
LEGAL MAXIMS of REASON in the Common Law of the Land Part 5
QUIT VOLUNTEERING!! QUIT CONSENTING!!! STATUTE AND LAW Reasons NOT to give ANYONE the Social Security Number – It does NOT belong to you!!! Here are some laws that verify this fact: 4 CFR 83.9; 5 USC Sec. 552a; 7 CFR 1.123; 7 USC Sec. 2204g; 14 CFR 1212.604; 17 CFR 249.501a; 19 CFR 118.11; 19 […]
LEGAL MAXIMS of REASON in the Common Law of the Land Part 4
10 things you should know if you are sued. 1 ) There should be no departure of common observance and usage. 2 ) From the words of the law there must be no departure. 3 ) An accessory or Agent follows his Principal. 4 ) An absolute unqualified sentence or proposition needs no expositor. 5 […]
LEGAL MAXIMS of REASON in the Common Law of the Land, Part 3
Any alteration of these universally accepted maxims is harsh and can be very harmful and even violent and dangerous, even when or if done without that intent. thus this is why we have negligence laws that clarify the reasonability of patent observance – particularly portrayed by statements such as; “By reason of Susan’s capacity as […]
LEGAL MAXIMS of REASON in the Common Law of the Land Part 2
Maxims are universally admitted established principles of law, as being just and consonant with reason: Maxims are principles and authorities of general customs or common law of the land: Maxims of the law are Holden for the law, and all other cases that may be applied to them shall be taken for granted. Application of […]
LEGAL MAXIMS of REASON in the Common Law of the Land Part 1
LEGAL MAXIMS! The next 8 Videos, to the final part 9 will give you valuable information, as this is part one of the series of maxims, listen to all these 8 videos and read the written transcript of each video at blog page and you can learn that Maxims principles are authorities of general […]
What if Everything That You Thought You Knew Turned Out to be – Final Part 3
These foreign American Central Bank Shareholders Owners are Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris Israel Moses Sieff Banks of Italy Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam Lehman Brothers Bank of New York Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York Chase Manhattan Bank of New York Goldman Sachs Bank of New York […]
A What if Everything That You Thought You Knew Turned Out to Be Part 2
What if you could further see and now knew that the commercial value – of any given product or thing – was “based upon” its SERIAL NUMBER, and NOT the price tag sticker amount? That the REAL VALUE of a $20 dollar bill, or $50, or $100, or however much, was based upon the “serial […]
A What if Everything That You Thought You Knew Turned Out to Be Part 1
Listen to this three-part video series and learn what if everything that you thought you knew about our present modern-day society turned out to be not quite what it seemed? This video is part 1. Just imagine if one day you awakened to a whole new view of the world, through a whole new completely […]
Direct Taxation Without Representation and Your Future Final Part 3
To this is added a bank policy that’s been popping up all over the world – restrictions on the size of transactions that you’re allowed to make with your own money. The higher the transaction amount, the more “suspect” you are of being involved in criminal and/or terrorist acts, which are to be reported to […]
Direct Taxation Without Representation and Your Future Part 2
In most of the world, taxation is regarded as an imposition and it’s considered understandable that no one really wants to pay tax. The U.S. government promotes a rather different view – that the payment of tax is a patriotic duty. In the U.S., a tax amount can be demanded and the onus of proof […]
Direct Taxation Without Representation and Your Future Part 1
In this 3 part video series, you will learn how you are being robbed by your Government. This video is part 1.. Robbery may be considered by some as unfair or a crime. Taxation is a form of robbery. Well, let’s check the dictionary for a definition: “Robbery is defined as taking away of goods […]
Rights and Duties of States
CONGRESS replaced STATUTES with international law, placing all states under international law as an act of Treason and Sedition. (This was an act of TREASON and SEDITION!! Congress had no authority over or to alter State Constitutions. This means every local, county, State or U.S. Government public office and public official servant is a foreign […]
Capitalism, Economyism, Socialism, Communism, Governmentism, Youism and Debt
Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state or government. Capitalism is often thought of as an economic system in which private actors own and control property in accord with their interests, and demand and supply freely set […]
We now are accepting Bitcoin Payments For the CAP Security Promissory Note
We are now accepting bitcoin payments for each CAP Security Note: Bitcoin wallet number is 3AiK1JbGRKhZ66mjCk4qwwFLbzMxNA5MzQ The post We now are accepting Bitcoin Payments For the CAP Security Promissory Note appeared first on Cancel Your Mortgage With The CAP Financial Security Instrument NOW! – PAY OFF Your MORTGAGE or any Bank Debt In 14 Days […]
The general principles which should ever control the ATTORNEY in the practice of the legal profession are clearly set forth in the following oath of admission to the Bar, which the ATTORNEY is sworn on admission to obey and for the willful violation to which disbarment may be had. Their oath goes like this: “I […]
Banks were Saved by your Tax Bail Outs and You were Ruined – Final Part 3
Banks were Saved by your Tax Bail Outs and You were Ruined. Questions to ask the banksters. Five of the largest including JP MORGAN CHASE and four other INTERNATIONAL BANKS succeeded marvelously in 1913 when the U.S. Government created by passing into law the Federal Private Reserve Banking System Corporation to privately print money to […]
Banks were Saved by your Tax Bail Outs and You were Ruined – Part 2
This scheme was accurately and succinctly described by G. Edward Griffin in 1994: “It is widely believed that panics, boom-and-bust cycles, and depressions are caused by unbridled competition between banks; thus the need for government regulation. The truth is just the opposite. These disruptions in the free market are the result of government prevention of competition by […]
Banks Were Saved by Your Tax Bail Outs and You Were Ruined – Part 1
In this 3 part video series, you will learn about the creation of the Central Federal Private Reserve Banking system and the Government working together to control you. This is part one of the three videos. Please view all three to learn why Banks Were Saved by Your Tax Bail Outs and You Were Ruined. […]
Government FRAUD as Stated by Federal World Postal Court Judges – Final Part 8
Police and courts state that anyone who performs a Crime is automatically a Debt Slave and is no longer a part of the organic law Articles of Confederation” Constitution; Rewritten 1787 Territorial Federal Constitution; and the ACT OF 1871 Corporate Constitution. The government then calls you the sovereign man or woman an outlaw, jailbird, prisoner, […]
Government FRAUD as Stated by Federal World Postal Court Judges, Part 7
Legal, not lawful Interest is the mechanism of Debt Slavery and Involuntary Servitude that take away your sweat equity and life. These are Federal Crimes. Interest rates have soiled your good faith and public trust. Did you know? You can charge back interest. Just write your bank and tell them that you do not want […]