Strawman Money Credit

Government FRAUD as Stated by Federal World Postal Court Judges, Part 7

Legal, not lawful Interest is the mechanism of Debt Slavery and Involuntary Servitude that take away your sweat equity and life. These are Federal Crimes. Interest rates have soiled your good faith and public trust. Did you know? You can charge back interest. Just write your bank and tell them that you do not want […]

Government FRAUD as Stated by Federal World Postal Court Judges – Part 6

Banks do not lone or lend money for mortgages, automobiles, Credit Cards, or any other item!! You fund your own mortgages by creating money by your redemption Signature on their one-sided contracts. Mortgages that you are conned into paying back are death threats for Bank forced Debt Slavery, Involuntary Servitude, and Human Slave Trafficking to […]

Government FRAUD as Stated by Federal World Postal Court Judges – Part 5

Mortgages are death threats for Debt Slavery and Involuntary Servitude to use the sweat equity of your brow to pay their unlawful interest. Also, civil laws such as a police officer writing you a speeding ticket, spitting on the sidewalk, accidentally dropping a piece of paper, etc., etc. are criminalized by the police and government […]

Government FRAUD as Stated by Federal World Postal Court Judges | Part 4

Privateers and Private Corporations control All Central Banks in all Countries. There is no money without your Sweat Equity wet Inked signature or without the Country’s Currency symbol stamped or printed on it according to the Universal Postal Union, UPU, the Union controlling the world of commercial trade, and according to the World International Federal […]

Government FRAUD as Stated by Federal World Postal Court Judges – Part 3

Post Office Boxes as addresses are against and in violation of Federal Post Office or should I say private UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE, USPS, courier Corporate Statute Law. The USPS is just like FedEx, UPS, and DHL couriers and is not a Post Office under the UPU. A Post Office Box is of Non-Contracting commercial […]

Government FRAUD as Stated by Federal World Postal Court Judges – Part 2

It is the job of the Military, the Navy especially, to protect your Public Trust. Since all three, the forced first 1777 Confederation United States of America, the second 1787 Territorial Federal United States of America, and the third Act of 1871 Corporation District of Columbia, headquartered in the Deep State City Municipality United States […]

Government FRAUD as Stated by Federal World Postal Court Judges | Part 1

Be sure to read this 8-part informative video series transcripts at and watch all my David Young YouTube videos under the David Young channel and especially in the coming weeks ahead to learn more about the Bank fraud in mortgage and foreclosure cases. This is part one of the series.. According to the Federal […]

Property Rights – Putting Everything Together

Now the quasi-owner (user) of the property (thing), after learning the law and discovering who you are in relation to the United States Corporation, can file a UCC Financing Statement based upon a Security Agreement, registering your security interest in the artificial entity PERSON, being the ENS LEGIS which the United States created by your, […]

Perfecting Your Security Interest in Florida

Requirements Listing Debtor’s Name On Florida Article 9 Filings Florida lenders seeking to secure a lien against the personal property of a borrower in default must follow the guidelines detailed in Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and Florida’s Article 9 if you live in Florida, which governs secured transactions and is applied […]

Introducing the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)

In the 1950s the Territorial United States District of Columbia Corporation Government’s Uniform Commercial Code, U.C.C., was presented to their franchise sub-corporation States Governors as a means of unifying the generally accepted procedures for handling the new legal system of dealing with commercial transactions and legal fictions as though the commercial STRAWMAN people were real. […]

Government Registered You As Serial Numbers

For many years I’ve lived as a living, flesh, and blood Republic man, not a person or US Citizen which are all Corporate Fictions and creations of the state. But in order to help the American people to pay off your bogus and imaginary bank debts in their commercial imaginary matrix, I have had to […]

A Twin You Never Knew You Had Final Part 2

Definition. “Person. 1. a human being. 2. An entity (such as a corporation) that is recognized by law as having the rights and duties of a human being” [Black’s Law Dictionary, 7th Edition] The straw man may also be said to be an “artificial person” which is also defined in the legal dictionary. “An entity, […]

A Twin You Never Knew You Had – Part 1

In this two-part video series, you can learn about your corporation’s twin PERSON in commerce. As a child, I am sure you have had an imaginary friend such as I did. You may be surprised to learn that evidence exists that you have had a make-believe twin from the time your mother and father unknowingly […]

Tax Collection Defense in 6 – Six Easy Steps

How to handle Tax Collection Defense in 6 easy steps Here are a few more statute code laws on tax collecting you may want to learn regarding government. Read these laws.. Another, favorite “Organized Crime Operation” of attorneys and judges is “Tax Collection”. In this scam, the United States Attorney acts in “Fraud” to claim […]

Mortgage Contract Security Money and Discharge of Debt

The Banks, Mortgage Lenders, and financial corporation Lenders claim, that their Mortgage Debt Lien Contract Security is money and has been court accepted as money owed. This website Introduces to you the New Credit Agreement Debt Payoff, CAP, Security that has been recorded into County Official Records as a properly registered security, debt, money, U.S. […]

Principles of Law to Remember

The general principles of law are basic rules whose content is very general and abstract, sometimes reducible to a maxim or a simple concept. 1. No attorney can appear in court for a Corporation without the physical human being he represents. Under Trinsey v. Pagliaro, D.C. Pa. 1964, 229 F. Supp. 647, United States Supreme […]

Funding Your Own Loan

Applying for an Auto Loan, Mortgage Loan, or any other Bank Loan – funding YOUR OWN Loan (YOUR OWN Debt)! First, everything begins with an understanding that all banks in the United States today are more or less Federal Reserve Private Corporate Bank Investment companies that borrow money from larger banks or investment Trusts through […]

Discharging a Traffic Ticket – Discharging a Debt WITH a Debt

A continuation from “Did you pay for Your Property with Substance” or Consideration. So here you are holding this government corporation police-issued traffic ticket in your hand. Do you see the “serial number” on it? Of course, you do! You also see where on the back or the front in some States it demands payment […]

Did you Pay for Your Property with Substance?

Did you Pay for Your Property with Substance?“ Wait a minute!” You say! “How can all of this bank fraud and government fraud possibly be?” AND what about my property? Now, this brings into question such things as your property and your right to own property that is guaranteed by all three United States of […]

Defining “Property” and Profits

The definition of “property” is the interest or equity one has in a thing or ownership. The thing is the principal. The property is the interest in the thing. Profits (interest) made from the property of another belong to the creator owner of the thing when registered, The STATE. Profits were made by the deceivers […]

Civil Rights and Actions

Here are a few more statute code laws you may want to learn and remember regarding Bank Fraud, Government Fraud, and Foreclosure Defense. Civil Actions: Trinsey v. Pagliaro, D.C. Pa. 1964, 229 F. Supp. 647, United States Supreme Court Case, NOT OVERTURNED and it states that most of the cases filed as civil actions are […]

Becoming a Secured Party Creditor

A Secured Party Creditor, having regained control of your life and your sovereignty, is no longer subject to the same controls as existed prior to your UCC secured party process when you were unknowingly an accommodation party to, surety, and guarantor for, the fictional corporate entity debtor “strawman,”. The STRAWMAN that functioned as your name […]

Bank Mortgage Securitization and Your Remedy

We have spent over 19 years carrying out extensive research into how, and why, banks across the globe carry out securitization, and the simple truth answer is as follows: Bank regulations may impose limits on bank lending or maintenance of their two loan Accounting books under GAAP. Therefore, all banks through Securitization will decide to […]


Here are a few statute codes of law you may want to learn regarding Bank and government corruption and how to defeat them in court when you use them in the proper context. Title 18 USC 241 states “Federal Laws” are lawfully binding on all States. The 11th Amendment states: that we are subject to […]

Tax Collection Defense in 6 Easy Steps

Here are a few more statute code laws on tax collecting you may want to learn regarding government. Read these laws. Another, favorite “Organized Crime Operation” of attorneys and judges is “Tax Collection”. In this scam, the United States Attorney acts in “Fraud” to claim the private corporation “IRS” is government and fraudulently claims a […]